
Hospital tightens visitation

MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena will be strictly enforcing its visitation policy.

In a press release on Thursday, MyMichigan Health said outpatient visits for influenza-like illness are the highest they have been in Michigan over the last 15 years. To help reduce the spread of infection and keep patients safe, visitor policies will be followed closely.

The current visitation inpatients are allowed two healthy visitors or support persons at a time and Emergency Department patients are allowed one healthy support person.

Patients in outpatient settings such as doctors’ offices, surgery centers, labs, imaging, or testing facilities are allowed one healthy support person. Pediatric patients are allowed two parents or legal guardians. Maternity inpatients may have two healthy support persons, which must be the same two designated individuals for the duration of the patient’s visit, plus a certified doula.

For more information, visit mymichiganhealth.org.


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