
‘Legislator for a day’ art contest opens

Courtesy Photo Jenna Carigon, left, and State Rep. Cam Cavitt, R-Cheboygan, pose for a photo on the House floor last year. Cardigan had won Cavitt’s Legislator for the Day Art Contest and joined Cavitt in Lansing to see how things operate in state government.

ALPENA — One lucky high school student in Northeast Michigan has a chance to spend the day with State Rep. Cam Cavitt, R-Cheboygan, in Lansing and see how the state government operates.

For the second year in a row, Cavitt is holding the Legislator for the Day Art Contest. To enter the contest, high school students can submit drawings and paintings that capture the essence of Northeast Michigan.

The contest is open for all high school students in Cheboygan, Montmorency, Presque Isle, Alpena, Oscoda, and Alcona counties.

Any art form is accepted, except photography.

The winner will join Cavitt in Lansing for a day where they will receive a tribute from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, have their photo taken on the House floor, and participate in other activities near and around the state capitol throughout the day.

Cavitt said he is excited to see the artwork and ideas the talented students in Northeast Michigan come up with and eager to have the winner join him so he can show them what a typical day in Lansing is like for a legislator. He said having young people engaged in government is important because someday in the future they could become elected leaders themselves.

“Embracing the arts by encouraging our Northeast Michigan students to go into their communities and find the beauty around them is my favorite part of this contest,” Cavitt said. “It’s always amazing to see what these kids come up with and the unique ways they show off how wonderful our area truly is. This contest is also a great way to introduce students to the state government through the ‘Legislator for a Day’ prize. There is no better way to give kids a glimpse into how the state government works than to have them come down to Lansing and see things for themselves.”

Last year, Atlanta High School junior Jenna Carigon won the contest and joined Cavitt at work. Her award-winning submission was a painting of an elk, which was the perfect connection to her community as Atlanta is known as the Elk Capital of Michigan.

Students should send a photo of their submission to CamCavitt@house.mi.gov or mail their submission to Cavitt’s office, P.O. Box 30014 in Lansing, MI 48909-7514.

All entries are due March 31.

Steve Schulwitz can be reached at 989-358-5689 or sschulwitz@TheAlpenaNews.com. Follow him on X @ss_alpenanews.com.


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