
Parents, students pack the halls at Alpena High School CTE Expo

News Photos by Reagan Voetberg Attendees use the virtual welder in the welding classroom at Alpena High School during the Career and Technical Education Expo on Tuesday.

ALPENA — On Tuesday night, Alpena Public Schools students and their parents packed the halls of Alpena High School to learn more about Career and Technical Education programs and career opportunities in the area.

The expo featured several local organizations and businesses that set up tables at the event, including the Alpena Fire Department, The Boys and Girls Club, Besser Company, Alro Steel, Massage Works, and Holcim.

All CTE classrooms were open with students and staff available for attendees to talk to.

Students in the welding classroom demonstrated the use of virtual welders, which give students the opportunity to practice welding without using real heat and metal.

A set of doors open in the welding classroom revealed the welding gear that students would use.

News Photo by Reagan Voetberg Pictured left to right, Amy Traylor from Massage Works, Miranda Peck, Claire Villarreal, and Melody Kauffman. Traylor demonstrated massages at the Career and Technical Education Expo at Alpena High School on Tuesday night.

Many organizations had pamphlets with additional information, swag, and more.

Reagan Voetberg can be reached at 989-358-5683 or rvoetberg@TheAlpenaNews.com.

News Photo by Reagan Voetberg Representatives from Besser company talk to attendees about career opportunities at the company.


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