
PHOTO: Alpena Chaos 16U takes 1st

Courtesy Photo The Alpena Chaos 16u volleyball team poses together after winning the Arsenal Volleyball Tournament on Saturday. They went nine and three on the day, beating all teams in bracket play in two sets. From left to right in the back row are head coach Jen Hitzelberger, Amaya Brousseau, Sawyer Somers, Elliyana Grimshaw, Emalee Parsons, Jaidan Modrzynski, Greta Riopelle, assistant head coach Sydney Hitzelberger, Danica Gauthier, Everly Gordy, Evelyn Ruemenapp, Olivia Hitzelberger, and Makeda Shaw.

The Alpena Chaos 16u volleyball team poses together after winning the Arsenal Volleyball Tournament on Saturday. They went nine and three on the day, beating all teams in bracket play in two sets. From left to right in the back row are head coach Jen Hitzelberger, Amaya Brousseau, Sawyer Somers, Elliyana Grimshaw, Emalee Parsons, Jaidan Modrzynski, Greta Riopelle, assistant head coach Sydney Hitzelberger, Danica Gauthier, Everly Gordy, Evelyn Ruemenapp, Olivia Hitzelberger, and Makeda Shaw.


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