
Steve Jakubcin named 2024 Outstanding Citizen of the Year

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz Steve Jakubcin thanks the crowd after being named the 2024 Outstanding Citizen of the Year during the annual chamber dinner at the APlex on Thursday night.

ALPENA — Steve Jakubcin’s love for Alpena and its community motivates him to dedicate his time, talent, and resources to help others in many ways.

He volunteers for local charities, offers his photography to document local history, and works with the area youth, among many other things.

At the annual Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce Dinner on Thursday night, Jakubcin was bestowed the honor of being named the 2024 Outstanding Citizen of the Year.

The award and tribute is one of the most prestigious in the area and Jakubcin joins a long list of past winners who have worked hard to make Alpena a better place for those who live here and those who visit.

When he was announced the winner of the award, the sold-out crowd at the APlex clapped, cheered, and whistled in approval as family and friends gathered around to celebrate his achievement.

A humble Jakubcin said there are a lot of people in Alpena who are worthy of the award for their good deeds and dedication to the community. He said having his name on a list as exclusive as the past winners is special and an honor.

“It is intimidating when you look over the list of the past winners who have done so much,” he said. “It is humbling because all of those people are so important to the community and I’m honored to be a part of this with them.”

Jakubcin said he does what he does not for notoriety or acknowledgment, but as a way to give back to the community that has supported him for many years.

“I always try to remember how blessed I really am with the life I live in Alpena,” he said. “I love Alpena and thank you very much.”

Other 2024 Chamber award winners include the following: Business of the Year – Bay Athletic Club, Customer Service of the Year – Allegra Alpena, Culture Change Agent Award – Dennis Werner, Connecting the Classroom and Business Award – Todd Artley, Ambassador of the Year – Angie Fox, and Up and Coming Award – Nick Poli.

Other awards presented include the following: MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena Health Leadership Award small business – Cliff Anschuetz Chevrolet, MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena Health Leadership Award large business – Meijer, Alpena Community College Michigan Workforce Development Award – North Eastern Michigan Rehabilitation and Opportunity Center, Inc., and Zonta Club of Alpena Woman of the Year – Ellen Eagan.

Steve Schulwitz can be reached at 989-358-5689 or sschulwitz@TheAlpenaNews.com. Follow him on X @ss_alpenanews.com.


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