
Youth and Recreation applications available

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The Alpena County Youth and Recreation Committee is accepting 2026 grant applications. The applications are available on the County’s website at www.alpenacounty.org.

All grants approved must be for recreational activities in Alpena County or for recreational site development or improvements.

The deadline to apply will be 4 p.m. on May 1 and next year’s allocations are expected to be approximately $550,000 in total.

A pre-deadline workshop will be held on April 3 at 7 p.m. at the county annex building in the Howard Male Conference Room.

This workshop offers an opportunity to have committee members look over grants and give suggestions before they are officially submitted.

All grants need not be complete at the time of the workshop, as this will be a great chance to gain valuable input for an application, budget and budget narratives.

All applicants are invited and new applicants are encouraged to attend.

If you have any questions, please contact Chairman Tony Suszek at tonysuszek@gmail.com or phone 989-356-4434.


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