
A painter’s tail: Local man shows off his unique talent

Courtesy Photo Erich Carlson hold up a painting he made as well as the custom frame he built.

ALPENA — Erich Carlson has a unique talent that helps him express his wildlife art on different types of bird tail feathers, and his creations are gaining popularity around the country.

Carlson owns Carlson’s Wildlife Art and he paints wildlife scenes onto bird feathers.

He also teaches high school and middle school art for Alcona Community Schools and at Alpena Community College, meaning he runs his business in his spare time, which he admits he doesn’t have a lot of.

Carlson said he began drawing and painting in elementary school, and as he grew older, his skills sharpened and eventually he earned a degree in art design.

“I think my first memory of me drawing was in the second grade when I got in trouble for drawing a fish instead of doing my math,” Carlson said with a laugh. “I kept working on it through high school and then, eventually, received my degree.”

Courtesy Photo Erich Carlson can do custom paintings from photos that can preserve special memories for local hunters and fishermen. This one shows a man who had harvested a large elk.

The idea of painting on the feathers came to him when he saw something similar to his creations at a flea market. He said he knew it was something he could do, and later, a fellow artist took some of Carlson’s work to an art fair where he sold out of his product.

Many of Carlson’s art pieces have paintings of fish, deer, elk, bear, and many different types of birds. He said often, he takes custom orders and paints what his customers request and many of those are based on trophy fish or deer they have shot or caught.

Carlson said it can take as little as three or four hours for him to do a small painting, like a bird head, to more than 100 hours for a larger tail spread with a more intricate and detailed painting. He said depending on the size and how elaborate the painting is, one of his art pieces can cost between $300 to $4,000.

He also builds custom frames for the feather art made from cedar and birch.

Carlson said when he gets a request from a customer that recreates a special memory, which he usually uses a photo of from the customer, he falls deep into his work and actually becomes invested in the special moment.

Courtesy Photo Erich Carlson painted this photo of a deer and also created the custom frame.

“I really fall into the place and time, like I’m there,” he said. “To be able to make something incredible, that is going to represent a special moment in someone’s life, is something I really enjoy.”

Carlson’s Wildlife Art has a Facebook page where people can look at his past art and contact him via instant messenger to request a certain project. He said he has a limited supply of art pieces for sale now, but always takes orders.

Carlson said he intends to retire in about a year, and then, he will devote more time to his business, which he said he never expected to become as popular as it is. He said people can just give a description of what they would like, or send him a photo, and he will likely be able to get it done.

“I can do pretty much everything,” he said. “I specialize in hunting, fishing, and the outdoors, but I can do other things.”

Courtesy Photo A work by Erich Carlson is seen.

Courtesy Photo Erich Carlson painted this photo of a black bear.

Courtesy Photo A work by Erich Carlson is seen.

Courtesy Photo A cardinal is seen painted by Erich Carlson.

Courtesy Photo A work by Erich Carlson is seen.

Courtesy Photo A work by Erich Carlson is seen.

Courtesy Photo A work by Erich Carlson is seen.


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