
Boat launch permits available

Alpena’s seasonal boat launch permits are available for purchase, according to a Monday press release from the city. Permits will be available at the city clerk’s office and the harbormaster’s office located in Alpena City Hall at 208 N. 1st Ave. and the water recycling plant located at 210 Harbor Dr. Boaters may purchase permits in person or by mail. Applications are available on the city’s website at alpena.mi.us. Permits will also be available at the Alpena Marina’s dock house when it opens for the season approximately around May 1.

Annual launch permits are $50. This price is reduced to $25 for city residents who verify residency with a state ID and address on their boat registration. For boaters who have more than one boat, a second permit may be issued at no additional cost if the owner’s name and address are listed on both registrations. This reduction is for a second boat only. Boaters daily launch permits are also available for $7.

The 2024 permits are still valid until March 31. Beginning April 1, a red 2025 launch sticker will be required.


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