
Four sentenced in district court Thursday

ALPENA — On Thursday morning, four defendants scheduled to appear in court at 8:30 a.m. at the 88th District Court in Alpena received their sentences.

Tiffany Roberts was sentenced to 28 days in jail for a charge of retail fraud of the second degree. She owes $2,475.01 in restitution.

April Darst was sentenced to 28 days in jail with nine days credit for two counts of obstructing justice for failure to appear and one count of obstructing justice for contempt of court.

She had failed to appear for multiple drug tests while on probation, Judge Alan Curtis said.

The conversation indicated that she has struggled with an addiction to methamphetamines.

Her attorney, William Pfeifer, read a letter she had written where she promised to get sober and start attending church, as well as implement other rehabilitation measures.

Kyle Carriveau was sentenced to 18 months probation, with the possibility of early discharge after nine months, for operating a vehicle while intoxicated. He owes the Alpena Police Department $100 for restitution.

Curtis commended him for calling the police rather than friends or family after a recent incident where he got his car stuck in a ditch.

Dylan Oehring was sentenced to 12 months probation, with the possibility for early discharge after six months, for a charge of controlled substance use and a charge of allowance of a person whose license is suspended/revoked to operate a vehicle.

Reagan Voetberg can be reached at 989-358-5683 or rvoetberg@TheAlpenaNews.com.


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