
Motion day held at circuit court on Monday

News Photo by Reagan Voetberg Judge Benjamin Bolser presided over the 26th Circuit Court Alpena on Monday morning.

ALPENA — At the Alpena 26th Circuit Court on Monday morning, Judge Benjamin Bolser presided over court proceedings on motion day at the court.

Bradley Burton, 37, was sentenced to 107 days in jail with 107 days credit. He is being released for residential treatment and will serve 18 months probation. Burton pleaded guilty at his plea hearing to one count of possession of methamphetamines or ecstasy and one count of operating while intoxicated.

Joshua Moneypenny, 29, had a status conference. The court scheduled him for a continuing status conference on April 7 for his files. He has been charged with one count of unlawfully driving away in a motor vehicle and two counts of failure to report accident to fixtures in one case file, and one count of unlawfully driving away in a motor vehicle and three counts of assaulting/restricting/obstructing a police officer on a second file.

Matthew Spencer, 47, had a status conference for charges of home invasion to the first degree and two counts of domestic violence. He was scheduled for a continuing status conference on April 7.

Brandon Hall, 32, charged with stalking, assault with great intent to do bodily harm less than murder, aggravated domestic violence, five counts of domestic violence, controlled substance possession, home invasion of the first degree, aggravated stalking, and assault or assault and battery, will need time to come to a sentencing agreement. Hall will appear in court again on April 7.

James Berndt, 57, had his arraignment hearing. He is charged with two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon, not intending murder. A charge of assault with a dangerous weapon could mean four years in prison or a $2,000 fine. He will have a continued status conference on April 21.

Larry Deleon, 49, is charged with two counts of controlled substance delivery or manufacturing and one count of controlled substance possession. The defense made a motion to quash. Deleon was scheduled for a status conference on April 7.

Kilana Muszynski, 23, was sentenced to 12 months probation. She was given 7411 status, which means if she completes probation successfully, her conviction for one count of possession of controlled substances will be taken off her record. She also has one count of domestic violence for which she pleaded guilty in a plea hearing along with the count for possession of controlled substances.

Jaimie Morey, 37, was scheduled for a continuing status conference on April 7 on two files. Morey was sentenced on a third file for one count of home invasion to the third degree. She will serve six months in jail with 24 months probation.

Curtis Jarman, 35, charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct to the second degree for a person under the age of 13, had his arraignment hearing. Jarman will be scheduled for a jury trial. He was scheduled for a status conference on May 5.

Steven Frank, 43, had a motion hearing for two counts of failing to pay child support. Frank’s case is scheduled for review on April 21.

Felecia Bradford, 33, charged with controlled substance delivery/manufacture, was scheduled for a continuing status conference on April 21.

Melody Marotta, 48, and Anna Marotta, 87, were both charged with abandoning/cruelty to 10 or more but fewer than 25 animals in a joint examination. They had a status conference on Monday and are scheduled for a motion hearing on April 7.

Jaden Mayfield, 23, pleaded guilty to four charges of resisting police. Three more charges for resisting police were dismissed. Mayfield will be sentenced on May 5.

Paul Walchak, 57, had a status conference for charges of one count of assault with great intent to do bodily harm less than murder, one count of obstructing/resisting/assaulting police, and one count of assault or assault and battery. He was scheduled for a continuing status conference on April 21.

Kristy Clay, 24, pleaded guilty to resisting/obstructing a police officer. One count of operating with no license/multiple licenses was dismissed. She will be sentenced on May 5.

Ericka Hill, 34, had a status conference for one count of possession of a controlled substance. She was scheduled for a continued status conference May 5.

Thomas Raymer, 37, pleaded guilty to one count for failure to comply with sex offender reporting regulations. He is from Illinois and he did not report that he was in Alpena County for more than three business days. He will be sentenced on May 5.

Reagan Voetberg can be reached at 989-358-5683 or rvoetberg@TheAlpenaNews.com.


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