
New casual, fine-dining restaurant to open in the Center Building in downtown Alpena

ALPENA — Karen Bennett, the owner of The Center Building in downtown Alpena, announced the opening of a new family-owned restaurant called Samantha’s on 2nd, in a Friday press release.

“Cooking and making food for people has always been my passion,” said Samantha Steele, owner and chef of Samantha’s on 2nd, in the press release. “We are committed to creating everything from scratch, using high-quality ingredients, and serving food that brings people together.”

This casual fine-dining restaurant will offer a well-curated menu featuring fresh ingredients, scratch-made dishes, and a strong emphasis on Sunday brunch — one of its standout offerings. Guests can look forward to steak, seafood, and other thoughtfully crafted dishes in a warm yet elevated atmosphere.

Joining Steele in this endeavor are co-owners Shelly Adamski and Ron Adamski, making it a true family business. Shelly Adamski, who also has experience in the food and beverage industry, is the owner of the downtown Alpena shop Karma’s a Fish. Together, they are excited to become part of the downtown Alpena community, the press release stated.

Samantha’s on 2nd is expected to move into The Center Building in April.

Weekday hours will run from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. but will be closed on Tuesdays.

Saturday hours will be 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday brunch will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.


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