
Parents of 15-year-old suspect in dirt bike crash arrested

On March 1, troopers from the Michigan State Police Alpena Post witnessed a dirt bike crash on County Road 451 in Presque Isle County, where a juvenile operating a motorized dirt bike collided with an 87-year-old man. On March 5, the 87-year-old man succumbed to his injuries he sustained during the crash, MSP announced in a recent press release.

According to a Monday press release from the MSP Alpena Post, on March 14, troopers from the Alpena Post apprehended a 15-year-old and arrested his parents on charges related to the crash.

The petition for the following charges on the juvenile was authorized: one count of Homicide-Manslaughter Involuntary, one count of Homicide-Manslaughter-with Motor Vehicle, one count of Reckless Driving Causing Death, one count of Moving Violation Causing Death, and Driving-Reckless. The 15-year-old’s preliminary hearing in juvenile court was on March 15.

The parents of the juvenile were arraigned in the 89th District Court in Presque Isle County on one count of Operating-ORV-Parent Allowing Child Under 16. Their next court appearance is scheduled for April 1.

To protect the juvenile’s identity, the names of the parents will not be released, the email containing Monday’s press release said.


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