
PHOTO GALLERY: Brew on the Bay held at APlex

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Janine Suszek, left, receives a pour of PIF Cider’s Thunder Bay Sanctuary Cider from Barb Wilmot on Thursday night at the Rotary Club of Alpena’s Brew on the Bay at the APlex.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Gordon Koester, right, hands a Land Shark beer to Matt Seguin at the Rotary Club of Alpena’s Brew on the Bay held Thursday night at the APlex in Alpena.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Alisha Bouchard, left, volunteers with Diane Shields and Kurt Shields, owners of Spruce Ridge Vineyards, on Thursday night at the Rotary Club of Alpena’s Brew on the Bay at the APlex. Spruce Ridge Vineyards features estate-grown wines and is located on Indian Reserve Road near Hubbard Lake.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Gabe Mulka, left, samples beer form Jolly Pumpkin in Traverse City, from Chase Weinkauf, at Thursday night’s Brew on the Bay, presented by the Rotary Club of Alpena.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Jenny Scully, left, samples a short glass of Long Drink seltzer from Kelli Rondeau on Thursday night at the Rotary Club of Alpena’s Brew on the Bay.


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