
PHOTO GALLERY: Northeast Michiganders celebrate March is Reading Month

Courtesy Photo Shauna, Brielle, Benson, and Bradyn Casler read a book together.
Courtesy Photo Fynn Centala reads “Corduroy’s Shapes” in this courtesy image provided by Mary Kelley Centala.
Courtesy Photo Behavior tech Matt Radocy reads a book during March is Reading Month at Besser Elementary.
Courtesy Photo Raymond Pizzino-Herrera, a second grader at Besser Elementary, reads a book to his stuffed animal.
Courtesy Photo Shalina Bigham (Nana) reads to Maci and Rayna.
Courtesy Photo Angus Centala, the basset hound, always reads before bed. Photo submitted by Julie Centala Uribe.
Courtesy Photo Myles Granata reads a book.
Courtesy Photo Marissa Matuzak shares one of her favorite reading spots in this photo taken in October. Matuzak said she finished her third book of the year on Tuesday.
Courtesy Photo Marissa Wygant and Braiden Johnson read a book together.
Courtesy Photo Ayden Frishett reads “The Cat in the Hat” by Dr. Seuss. The author’s birthday was March 2, one of the reasons why March is labeled as reading month.
Courtesy Photo Beckett Granata reads a book.
Courtesy Photo Besser Elementary School Principal Josh Feldpausch’s wife, Lindsey Feldpausch, reads to students at the school.
Courtesy Photo Bristol reads “Pete the Cat 5-Minute Beadtime Stories” in this undated photo.
Courtesy Photo Mea Martinez reads the Bible.


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