
POLICE BLOTTER: Alcona County deputies handle 82 complaints

Recent actions by law enforcement agencies in Northeast Michigan. This has been only lightly edited.


For the week Feb. 23 to March 2, 82 complaints were handled resulting in the following:

Citations Issued: 11

Arrests: 2

Operate While Intoxicated: 2

Car/Deer 7

Traffic/Traffic Stop 30

Property Damage Accident 1

Animal/Dog 4

Warrant Arrest 2

Fraud 1

Well Being Check 3

Assist 7

PBT/Drug Testing 6

Suspicious Event 3

Neighbor Trouble 1

Domestic 1

Fingerprints 1

Child Neglect 1

Alarm 1

Civil 4

Fire 1

Criminal Sexual Conduct 2

Juvenile 3

Unlawfully Drive Away Automobile 1

Threats 1

Unwanted Subject 1


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