
Stenz takes fourth place in state championship

Courtesy Photo Haley Stenz, right, stands ready to take on her opponent at the MHSAA Individual Wrestling State Championship at Ford Field. Stenz placed fourth in her weight class.
Courtesy Photos Alpena’s Haley Stenz stands in fourth place after the MHSAA Individual Wrestling State Championship at Ford Field.

Haley Stenz earned All-State honors with a fourth-place finish in the girls 110-pound weight class at MHSAA Individual Wrestling State Championships at Ford Field.

The first day of competition was Friday, Feb. 28 in which Stenz started out with a 9-0 major decision victory over Celine Frank of Oxford. In the next round, she won a spot in the semifinals with a 9-3 victory over Trinity Munoz of Detroit Voyageur College Prep. On Friday evening Stenz came up short in her semi-final match falling to Shai Curtiss of Shepard by a score of 19-4.

On Saturday, wrestlers who had earned all-state status competed to see which place they would take on the podium. Stenz won her first placement match against Ryleigh Ruiz of Dewitt by pin, setting up a final match for third place. The final match was tightly contested with Stenz leading 3-2 in the third period before getting caught and pinned with less than a minute remaining.

Following the matches, Haley earned the right to march in a parade of champions consisting of the best wrestlers in the state of Michigan and received her fourth-place medal and All-State Certificate during the medal ceremony.

Stenz represents Alpena High School’s first MHSAA All-State Wrestler in 17 years and the first AHS female wrestler to earn that honor in school history.


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