
Weekly Fishing Report for Northeast Michigan


Alpena: Ice still had the harbor and boat launch locked up. Perch anglers have had some success fishing minnows and small jigs with wax worms. The occasional brown trout and Atlantic salmon were also caught. Anglers who were spearing pike reported seeing very few fish.

Thunder Bay River: Steelheads were reported to be showing up more every day. Anglers found success drifting and bottom bouncing with fresh spawn and beads. Small jigs tipped with wax worms were also productive from the 9th Street dam to Mill Island Park. Those casting small spoons and spinners also reported catching a few Atlantic salmon, coho salmon, and brown trout. Productive colors were gold/orange, blue/silver, and green/silver. Smelt fishing in the river has come to an end with the heavy currents making ice unsafe.

Tawas: The Tawas pier was still iced in but will soon be fishable. The Tawas River is open; however, docks are not yet in. A few boat anglers started to head out and south towards Alabaster from the river. Shore anglers were fishing Singing Bridge and reported catching steelhead, brown trout, and a couple of coho salmon in the surf. The river was reported to have had some ice buildup remaining near the mouth. Upriver was reported to be open, but the water was very dirty.

Au Gres: The last remaining ice around Au Gres and south was reported to be deteriorating fast. A few ice anglers tried Palmer Road for one last go at the perch but did not have much luck. The Pine River launch was still iced in, so boat anglers were unable to make it out.


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