
Local News

Older Persons grant applications available

The Alpena County Older Persons Committee is accepting 2026 funding applications. The applications are available on the county’s website at alpenacounty.org. All grants approved must provide benefits to seniors aged 60 and above living within Alpena County. The deadline to apply will be 4 ...

Thunder Bay Junior High kids pitch project ideas to Alpena Municipal Council

ALPENA — A mock movie theater at Bay View Park, a bike obstacle course at Duck Park, and workout equipment at Bay View Park were a few of the ideas several students from Thunder Bay Junior High School pitched to the Alpena Municipal Council on Monday. Other projects shared by students in ...

Hillman family moves into new Habitat for Humanity home

HILLMAN — A family of six received the keys to their new Habitat for Humanity home on Tuesday, allowing them to move out of their cramped apartment, have more space for their growing family, and start building equity. Rick and Sunni Savone were renting a Hillman apartment for six years, ...

Four sentenced in district court Thursday

ALPENA — On Thursday morning, four defendants scheduled to appear in court at 8:30 a.m. at the 88th District Court in Alpena received their sentences. Tiffany Roberts was sentenced to 28 days in jail for a charge of retail fraud of the second degree. She owes $2,475.01 in ...

Alpena deputies recognized for achievements

On Tuesday, the Alpena County Sheriff’s Office recognized the Deputy of 2024 for both road patrol and corrections divisions, according to a Thursday press release. Deputy Brandon Patterson was selected for road patrol and Corporal Ryan Wilson was selected for corrections. Additionally, ...