
Whitmer signs bills addressing housing options

MARQUETTE — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed this week igned eight commonsense bills that will expand affordable housing options for Michiganders by reducing the barriers renters must overcome while looking for a roof over their heads, according to a press release.

Additional legislation signed protects Michiganders testifying in the courtroom, combats human trafficking, and supports economic development in our state. Including today’s legislation, Governor Whitmer has signed a record 1,431 bipartisan bills into law since taking office.

“I am committed to growing access to affordable housing so every Michigander can raise their family in a vibrant community,” said Whitmer. “That’s why I am proud to sign these commonsense bills that expand affordable housing options and protect Michiganders from housing discrimination. I’m also proud to sign additional bipartisan legislation that will protect survivors in the courtroom and help grow Michigan’s data processing industry. I’ll work with anyone to make sure Michigan is the first place folks think of to live, work, and raise their families.”

Senate Bills 205, 206, and 207, sponsored by state Senators Mary Cavanagh (D-Redford Township), Rosemary Bayer (D-West Bloomfield), and Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor), expand affordable housing options in Michigan by preventing qualifying landlords from denying a tenant housing based on their source of income.

The bills also combat homelessness in Michigan by reducing the barriers folks have to overcome when finding housing in our state. These changes will help potentially 34,290 families afford a roof over their heads and will create more affordable housing options for Michiganders across the state.


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