
Best practices for stress-free snowy owl viewing

Each winter, Michigan welcomes the large, magnificent snowy owl from the Arctic tundra – and its appearance can attract a lot of attention!

This season, these elusive visitors have been seen across the state. While exciting for us, these visits to Michigan can pose unfamiliar threats to the owls. Unfamiliar urban landscapes put them at risk from curious humans, rodent poisoning, and vehicle and power line collisions.

Here are a few quick tips for viewing these majestic visitors, while helping to keep them stress-free and safe:

∫ Give them space. When snowy owls visit Michigan in winter, they don’t often display signs of fear toward humans. A good rule of thumb is to view the owls from a great distance, using binoculars or a scope, rather than approach them.

∫ Don’t lure owls with audio recordings. While it might be tempting to use audio recordings to attract snowy owls closer to you, hearing another owl’s call – even a recorded one – can be stressful to them.

∫ Don’t lure owls with live bait. This practice can be dangerous for owls when it’s done by photographers and birders looking to get a glimpse. Owls learn to associate people with food and can be drawn to dangerous places, like roads or airports, where people can be found.

∫ Submit your eBird observations to scientists but keep them hidden from the public. Visit ebird.org for a step-by-step guide on how to keep your eBird checklist hidden and why discretion is sometimes needed to protect certain birds, like owls.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can help snowy owls on their wintering grounds here in Michigan. Seeing a snowy owl is an unforgettable sight; plan your owling trip for February, as they will begin their journey back to the Arctic the following month.

Questions? Contact Erin Ford at 313-820-0809.


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