The church, sin, and politics
President Joe Biden is a Catholic.
However, on Inauguration Day, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops revealed deep concerns that many of Biden’s positions will advance moral evils in America, including his relentless support for abortion.
One of Biden’s first orders was to progress LGBTQ rights in ways including overturning former President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender individuals joining the military. The Family Research Council said that President Biden is about to divert significant tax dollars from critical programs to be used for gender reassignment surgery.
When you take biblical stands, you anger people. You are resented, they call you judgmental and say you speak “hate speech”. That’s untrue. It is love, not hate, that makes Christians warn people that there are eternal consequences for their immoral choices and lifestyles.
We are all fallen sinners. The people and organizations that dare speak out are doing some of the most consequential work in this nation. From the start, America was revered as a Christian nation. It was nearly 100% Protestant and cherished God’s 10 Commandments. Our founders only worshiped the one true God of the Bible.
Fifty years ago, God’s Word was still the benchmark for our culture, government, business, educational system, news, and entertainment industry. There was a TV code of ethics. Children could watch any TV station without being bombarded with endless lewdness and blasphemy. Unlike today, music was not needlessly profane. Small town officials were not puppets for the marijuana puppeteers lining their pockets by poisoning our communities. Women at that time were not yet demonstrating for the right to murder their own unborn. America hadn’t slaughtered over 60 million of God’s unborn children through the legalized abortions that will forever stain our nation’s very soul. Back then, it was considered odd for a man to romance another man and political suicide for a politician to support abortion or homosexuality. Today, casual sex, infidelity, and living together without the benefit of matrimony have all become commonplace, and many children, unfortunately, now live in one-parent homes.
Jesus called Satan “the prince of this world”.
While the Bible speaks on every issue that mankind faces, the authority of Christianity has been diminished by society to the point that God doesn’t even have a seat at the table of cultural influence. The Apostle Paul said, “For the message of the Cross is foolishness for those who are perishing.” Today, the Church is under attack, many people no longer attend, and some of those who do attend are in a sense of slumber.
When Jesus spoke to the Church in Revelation 3:16, He said, “So, because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold — I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
The Church clearly has the moral authority and obligation to defend, educate, and preach all doctrines of the Bible. If it doesn’t, then the parishioners never gain an understanding of our culture from a biblical viewpoint. If the Church is silent on these issues and goes along with the culture, it will never convert the multitudes, because the masses see no difference. Lacking a loud, organized Church resistance, political pressure groups have successfully increased their demands on legislators to replace and reverse moral laws that have served mankind from the beginning of recorded history.
God does not want churches to have underpaid, stressed out, struggling pastors. He doesn’t want his preachers to be censored, but, rather, openly supported in every way and allowed to preach the entire Bible, including scriptures on sin, hell, and judgment. He gives pastors the authority to address the biblical moral issues, and they should never have to be fearful of a liberal backlash in their congregations.
The number-one function for the Church is to reach every sinner for Jesus Christ. The necessary personal sinner’s prayer does that when they acknowledge themselves as a sinner, ask for forgiveness, acknowledge that Jesus Christ is God’s Son who died for their sins, that Jesus rose from death, and that they accept Him as their Savior.
God does not want his Church reduced to a silent, lukewarm, Sunday morning social club exhibiting political correctness, advocating feeble complacency and tolerance. The Bible teaches that Satan is “the god of this age” who has blinded the minds of those who do not believe. America desperately needs a powerful, organized, spiritual revival, which includes all Bible-believing denominations.
If this doesn’t change, America will no longer be a nation under God but a pagan nation under hedonism. It will be a profound religious abyss where ridiculed and persecuted Christians are devoid of their meaning, power, influence and … Church.
Mike Westfall is the regional representative and spokesman for the American Family Association of Michigan.