
Celebrate women conservation officers

As Women’s History Month winds down, we take a moment to pause with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to celebrate women conservation officers — a number of whom serve us right here in Northeast Michigan.

In a story featured on The News’ Outdoors page on Saturday, the DNR told us Michigan’s first state game warden — in 1897 — was the nation’s first female game warden. Huldah Neal came from Up North — Grand Traverse County.

Today, 21 women serve as conservation officers in the DNR, including Northeast Michigan’s Bobbi Lively and Jessica Curtis. Antrim and Muskegon counties are patrolled entirely by women officers.

We say thank you to Lively, Curtis, and all of the women making a difference in this state through the DNR, and we urge all of our readers to join us in celebrating their contributions to Michigan and the great outdoors.


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