
Alpena Community College celebrates its 2022-23 success, looks to future

Commencement this year at Alpena Community College was a festive affair.

Toward the end of the ceremony, after the speeches and handshakes and passing out diplomas, standing at the podium, I asked the graduates to stand and face the crowd of family, friends, and loved ones who helped them complete that stage of their higher educational journey. The noise rose in a wave you could feel in your chest.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the graduates of the Class of 2023!”

After about 15 seconds of clamor and excitement, a throaty, triumphant chant germinated within the student body that spread quickly through Park Arena: “ACC! ACC! ACC!”

Gazing out on the throng of cheering parents, loved ones, faculty, staff, graduates, and friends — 700 seated in chairs on the gym floor, another 800 in the bleachers, all smiling and making joyful noise — it occurred to me how blessed we are to be in this business.

And, after 70 years, how relevant Alpena Community College continues to be to the people of Northeast Michigan.


Higher education in Northeast Michigan is characterized by two challenging demographics: a declining number of high school graduates and an aging population. Over the past 45 years, the number of high school graduates in the region has declined more than 60%. Despite the demographic challenges, ACC’s financial position is strong and its enrollment remains stable.

In a declining enrollment environment statewide, ACC was number one in enrollment growth among Michigan’s 28 community colleges this past semester, up more than 11% compared to spring semester 2022. Based on the most recent IPEDS (Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System) report, a national clearinghouse of comparable data sets applied across all community colleges and public universities nationally, ACC was number one among Michigan community colleges, with 42% of first-time, full-time students completing in 150% of time from their first enrollment. Forty-two percent is an ACC record.

How does a small, rural, remote community college remain relevant?

We work together, seek opportunity, innovate, and focus on student success.

Using Webex technology, we deliver dual enrollment and Early College coursework to 25 K-12s from the Upper Peninsula to AuGres — a 230-mile footprint north to south.

Through the Michigan Transfer Agreement, we partner in transfer with four-year universities across the state, often seeing data documenting that ACC transfer students achieve higher grade-point averages than students who began at the transfer institution. ACC offers unique occupational programs leading directly to employment that draw students from across Michigan. Three notable examples are Utility Technology, Concrete Technology, and the Licensed Practical Nursing and Registered Nurse programs with cohorts on our Alpena and Oscoda campuses. ACC also provided leadership statewide to partner with Saginaw Valley State University to offer a Bachelor of Science in Nursing credential beginning in fall semester 2023.


Below are some institutional highlights from 2022-23:

∫ Opened $1.6 million Fitzpatrick Hall, completing the $8.7 million upgrade of Van Lare Hall

∫ Began the $3.5 million Center for Manufacturing Excellence project, an upgrade of the welding and manufacturing labs

∫ Fielded first ACC baseball team in 50 years, reviving Veterans Field in Ossineke

∫ Received a shout-out by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer during her State of the State address

∫ Enjoyed the 70th anniversary open house in September.

∫ Led a national and statewide effort to gain athletic eligibility for Early College 13th year students

∫ Felt pride at the success of Utility Tech and manufacturing students in state and national competitions

∫ Continued productive partnerships with Alpena Public Schools, Alpena-Montmorency-Alcona Educational Service District school districts, employers, and local, state, and federal leadership while serving as a trusted resource for dozens of groups and organizations requesting meeting space to conduct important community business


In terms of infrastructure and capital improvements, ACC intends to add more on-campus student housing. We are working to raise $4 million to add another 48 beds to our existing 64 at College Park Apartments. We will seek funding from the state to upgrade the Natural Resources Center, projected to cost $8.5 million. We want to upgrade the Oscoda campus and find resources to add housing there. We plan to complete the Center for Manufacturing Excellence project. We continue to focus on improving the appeal of campus through our college-wide ambient-learning initiative.

Bottom line, on behalf of the faculty, staff, administrators, ACC Foundation, and trustees, I resolve to continue working together so that next year and the years thereafter ACC students at commencement will feel moved to chant: “ACC! ACC! ACC!”

Don MacMaster is president of Alpena Community College.


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