
Remarkable years for public policy

As 2023 comes to a close, we here at the Michigan League for Public Policy are reflecting back on what was a major year for our state’s Legislature — and we’re feeling encouraged by the many major wins that will help make our state a better place for Michigan’s families, children, and workers.

In March, one major policy win for Michigan families was more than a decade in the making, with the League and our partners working for many years to make the state Earned Income Tax Credit boost a reality following a drastic and devastating cut in 2011.

The EITC boost will ensure more money is going back into the pockets of Michiganders — benefiting nearly 5,000 households in the Alpena area and almost 740,000 households across the state — and it, in turn, will strengthen our economy by keeping money flowing through our towns and cities. Plus, families who qualify can expect their state EITC checks for tax year 2022 beginning in February 2024.

Michiganders struggling to make ends meet will benefit from other new policies, too, including the elimination of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) asset test — a barrier that meant some Michigan families who had carefully saved their money could not access food they needed during hard times.

Right now, about 738,500 households currently receive SNAP in our state, including more than 550,000 children. More locally, here in Alpena, Alcona, Montmorency, and Presque Isle counties, SNAP helped more than 4,900 households — including nearly 2,700 children — per month on average during the last budget cycle.

The League will continue to fight to make sure no one in Michigan goes without that vital food assistance when they need it.

In 2023, we celebrated dozens of wins for kids.

The state budget ensures better alignment of school funding with the needs of Michigan students — including more funding to support students from low-income backgrounds, English-language learners, and students with disabilities. School-aged kids will also benefit from universal breakfast and lunch, and funding for mental health supports, and before- and after-school supports to help address learning loss.

Monumental steps were taken to eradicate lead poisoning in our state’s youngest residents through the expansion of lead testing for all toddlers in Michigan, as well as passage of the Filter First legislation, which will ensure safe drinking water is provided in our state’s child care centers and schools.

Michigan is also becoming a more welcoming state this year, with the governor creating the Growing Michigan Together Council to make a plan to boost Michigan’s population.

Part of being welcoming means making sure all of our current residents feel a sense of belonging here, too. That’s why the budget and legislative wins for immigrants in 2023 are so important. Funding to eliminate the five-year waiting period for lawfully residing children and pregnant people to access Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program means that moms and babies can receive needed health care. Also, legislation was recently passed to ensure equal language access at state agencies, which means folks who may not speak English as their first language will be better equipped to keep their families safe, healthy, and informed.

I’m only scratching the surface when it comes to wins this year.

The Legislature has pulled from their diverse backgrounds and interests to push policy forward. There have been major strides in housing, health care, juvenile justice, early childhood issues and more. And the changes they’ve made will benefit Michiganders from all corners of the state, and rural, urban, and suburban communities alike.

As we gear up for another busy legislative session under the Capitol dome, we encourage you to stay engaged and involved in the process.

The League’s website, mlpp.org, has dozens of resources to help your advocacy efforts, from budget basics to policy recommendations to data by county and city.

We’re wishing you a safe and happy holiday season, and, as we look back on this remarkable year, we are feeling not only grateful, but also driven to keep the momentum going in 2024.

Monique Stanton is president and CEO of the Michigan League for Public Policy.


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