
Alpena County needs to make courthouse accessible

In America, almost all court proceedings are open to the public so residents — who vote for state judges and county prosecutors and pay the taxes that fund courts — can measure for themselves the fairness of the court’s actions and the effectiveness of the judge and prosecutor.

Alpena County’s courthouse, however, denies too many residents access because it is not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Circuit court happens on the second floor of the courthouse, but the courthouse has no wheelchair ramps or elevators that reach the second level.

When defendants or others involved in a case can’t reach the second-floor courtroom, the court moves its proceedings to the district court courtroom across the street.

But that poses numerous scheduling problems that could delay a case and doesn’t help members of the public who want to observe court proceedings but can’t reach the courtroom.

Alpena County Commissioner John Kozlowski told News staff writer Temi Fadayomi for a recent story that renovations to the library to make it more accessible could easily reach $10 million, though the county board hasn’t obtained official bids.

The county, staring at a budget deficit in excess of $1 million, says its finances have prevented any renovations from happening.

We urge the county board to make the renovations a priority and to seek grants and other avenues of funding the work.

All Northeast Michiganders deserve to be able to access the court to hold its officials accountable so they can cast more informed votes.

The county needs to put in the work — and soon — to make it possible for them to do so.


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