
Help United Way stuff the bus

You have the chance this week to help ensure Northeast Michigan kids are ready when school starts in just a few short weeks.

That’s because you can bring new school supplies to the United Way of Northeast Michigan’s Stuff the Bus event from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in front of Walgreens on the corner of Bagley and M-32 in Alpena.

The United Way is specifically looking for single subject notebooks, colored pencils, mechanical pencils, erasers, white out, highlighters, pocket folders, tissues, and hand sanitizer that the nonprofit will distribute to kids in grades six through 12.

Schools provide a lot for students and, if ever a student couldn’t get his or her hands on a needed supply, we know many of our local teachers will step up and help their students get what they need, often paying for supplies out of their own pocket.

But we as a community can do our part, too, to make sure kids are ready for school.

So head out and pick up a few supplies and bring them to the Stuff the Bus event this weekend.

We all can do our part to help our students succeed.


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