
Thank you, veterans

Some 5,000 military veterans live in Northeast Michigan, and each and every one of them deserve our thanks.

We salute you, veterans, and thank you for your service.

Those who served in combat put their life on the line to keep us safe and protect our way of life. Those who served in peacetime still put their lives on hold to stand ready to fight should the need arise.

In some places, veterans have not always gotten the thanks they deserve.

But, here in Northeast Michigan, we have always honored those who served.

May we forever continue to do so.

On Veterans Day on Monday, ceremonies across our region will salute every man and woman who put on the uniform and pledged to put themselves in harm’s way if necessary to keep America safe and free.

We urge everyone who’s able to find their way to one of those ceremonies to show your appreciation for veterans’ sacrifices.

Thank you, veterans, for all you’ve done.


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