
Vote (if you haven’t already)!

We’ve said it many times before and we’ll say it many times again: Democracy works best when everybody’s involved.

Who leads our governments, the taxes we pay, whether Alpena Power Co. can install infrastructure on public right-of-ways, all of that is supposed to be answered by the majority of the affected people.

That only happens if we all cast a ballot.

The stakes are high every year, but notably high this year.

Not only are we asked to choose between two leading-party presidential candidates with vastly different plans for the nation, not only are we asked to choose between two wildly different candidates to represent Michigan in the U.S. Senate, not only must we pick our U.S. House and state House representatives, we also must choose those who will represent us on county and township boards, town councils, and school boards.

In Alpena County, voters will decide a consequential property tax hike. If the tax hike doesn’t pass, the Alpena County Board of Commissioners plans to cut $500,000 from the Alpena County Sheriff’s Office.

A number of other tax proposals will appear on ballots throughout Northeast Michigan.

Your voice should be included in all of those decisions.

So vote.

You can register even today by going to your local clerk’s office.

So vote.

Democracy depends on you.


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