
Know the signs of human trafficking

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month in the U.S., and we urge all readers to learn the signs of potential human trafficking and alert authorities if they suspect someone is being trafficked.

Human trafficking can take many forms. It could include forced labor or sex trafficking. And it can happen anywhere. Sex is often sold online, with traffickers willing to drive their victims far distances to make money.

The Michigan Attorney General’s Office in a recent news release urged Michiganders to know the signs of trafficking.

The Attorney General’s Office says trafficking victims may:

∫ show signs of abuse, including bruises, cuts, burns, or scars,

∫ appear to not control their own money or documents, including their driver’s license or passport,

∫ avoid eye contact with others and appear fearful of the person they’re with,

∫ not be allowed to communicate on their own behalf and another person may answer all questions on their behalf,

∫ not be from the area or be aware of where they are,

∫ and not admit they are victims or ask for help.

In 2023, the most recent year for which data is available, the National Human Trafficking Hotline identified 254 cases of human trafficking in Michigan that involved 506 victims. The overwhelming majority of those cases involved sex trafficking out of private residences.

In other words, neighborhoods.

So, this Human Trafficking Awareness Month, educate yourself on the signs of trafficking

And then keep an eye out for trouble.


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