Sharing some gratitude
At the end of October 2024, I wrote a column that offered a challenge to readers.
I asked that readers consider joining me in noting one thing every day that they like about where they live. I asked anyone up to the challenge to do that daily for the last two months of 2024.
I was originally going to write my first column of 2025 (happy New Year!) about the list I created, but, when I received lists from others (thank you!) who found something they like about where they live every day for those 61 days, I decided to share some observations and favorites from the lists.
My hope is that reading this helps you recognize and appreciate more about where you live than you might typically notice.
All the lists submitted to me were from people in Northeast Michigan.
Weather was a common topic that came up multiple times in the lists, but from different perspectives. Some appreciated the variety in weather. Some loved the sunny and warmer days, while others appreciated the beautiful, fluffy snowflakes. Some appreciated that, no matter what the weather was like, there was always an opportunity to engage in outdoor activity.
Speaking of outdoor activities, another thing all the lists included was multiple comments about nature and outdoor activities. From fishing, hunting, and bird-watching to hiking, biking, and trail running, the lists included quite a few items relating to the outdoors.
I also liked seeing the observations people made about the kindness of others who live in their neighborhoods. I happen to know in general where all of those who sent me lists live and know that they all live in different neighborhoods. That’s great to hear that, no matter where you live, there are good people nearby.
Some of the lists also identified the giving and volunteering that happened in the community in those two months. From monetary gifts and clothing/shoe donations to the volunteers spotted bell-ringing for the Salvation Army, much was mentioned about giving. One person even noted about seeing a person shovel sidewalks that were not directly in front of his own home. Service clubs were also mentioned for the value they contribute to the community through their volunteer efforts.
There were some items listed that were very general, like having access to Negwegon and Rockport state parks, and other items that were quite specific, like chickadees landing on someone’s arm while feeding the birds.
It was also nice to see specific people mentioned for things like exceptional customer service, positive attitudes (two lists mentioned the crossing guard by Ella White Elementary School who waves at all passing vehicles), or a strong work ethic.
I hope those people are told how much they are appreciated!
I imagine that, if we did that exercise again in the summer months, some items would be similar, but it would spur an entirely new collection of things people like about where they live.
No one identified swimming or other water activities like diving or kayaking, and no one mentioned beach activities like building sandcastles.
I bet that, if we did this challenge in July or August, those things would have been mentioned, as well as many other summer-related items.
I didn’t take the time to identify how many different items were listed, but I would guess that, between all the lists I received and my own, there are several hundred different items listed.
That’s a whole lot to appreciate about where you live.
Even if we don’t appreciate all the same things as everyone else, there are certainly enough things to appreciate that not a day should go by when you can’t find something to be grateful for when it comes to where you live.
Jackie Krawczak is president of Jackie Krawczak LLC. Her column runs every three weeks on Thursdays. Follow Jackie on X @jkrawczak.