
Thank you, Mike Nowak, for your service

We do not always agree with the decisions local elected officials make, and we always will hold them accountable to their word and to working to make our community a better place.

But we also always will have respect for those who give of their time and talent to serve their community.

For the past dozen years, Mike Nowak has done just that on the Alpena Municipal Council.

Now, Nowak is stepping down, having not run for reelection last year. His last council meeting happened Dec. 16.

We believe the council has done pretty well by the city in the years Nowak served.

The city’s finances are sound. Economic development abounds. The city’s police and fire departments serve the public well.

Nowak played a role in all of that.

He told News staff writer Steve Schulwitz he has no ambitions for higher office, with no desire to run for a county board seat or something in the Legislature.

That tells us he just wanted to serve.

Thank you, Nowak, for your service.



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