
Agenda out of touch with Northern MI

Working in Lansing is about listening.

Each day, I listen to the amazing people I represent across Northern Michigan. I strive to learn about the issues they are most concerned with and consider their feedback so I can best serve them in the state Senate.

Recently, I surveyed residents across the 16 counties that make up the 36th Senate District about what they see as the top issues facing our state. The top responses were concerns I hear consistently: government spending, infrastructure, education, and Second Amendment rights.

On Feb. 26, I attended Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s annual State of the State address to the Legislature. As I listened to her lay out her priorities for the upcoming year, I couldn’t help but notice how out of touch her agenda is with the concerns of Northern Michigan residents.

As I reflected on the feedback from my recent district survey, it became clear that the governor’s agenda is not addressing the biggest concerns of our local communities — the interests of the people who write, call, and email my office daily.

Our state budget is $82.5 billion, yet our roads are crumbling, our students are falling further behind, and the constitutional rights of gun owners are constantly being challenged.

Rather than spending state dollars responsibly and prioritizing improvements to our crumbling infrastructure, the governor has proposed new taxes on drivers for every single mile they drive. Government spending has increased by more than 40% over the past six years. Tax increase proposals are simply unacceptable.

In fact, nearly 75% of people I surveyed said they are struggling to afford the essentials like groceries and gas.

If the governor thinks that our communities can afford another tax, it’s clear she’s been spending more time on her national book tour and overseas trips than listening to the hardworking families across Northern Michigan.

Looking ahead, I’ve also asked residents what they’d like my focus to be in the upcoming legislative session. The top response, by far, was cutting taxes. There’s no excuse for not getting this done. People are able to spend their own money far more wisely than bloated state government. My office is working on solutions to bring meaningful tax relief to our families, and I will have more to announce soon.

While our governor continues to push for more taxes, ignoring the concerns of families, small businesses, and communities across Northern Michigan, I’ll continue to listen to the issues that affect you and work to bring positive change every day as your voice in the state Senate.

If you need to get a hold of me, please don’t hesitate to contact my office at 517-373-7946 or SenMHoitenga@senate.michigan.gov.

State Sen. Michele Hoitenga, R-Manton, represents Michigan’s 36th Senate District, which includes Alpena, Alcona, Arenac, Crawford, Iosco, Kalkaska, Missaukee, Montmorency, Ogemaw, Oscoda, Otsego, Presque Isle, Roscommon and Wexford counties, along with portions of Bay and Manistee counties.


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