
Congrats, Steve Jakubcin, for being outstanding

On Thursday night at the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual dinner, Steve Jakubcin was awarded the 2024 Outstanding Citizen of the Year award.

The award is one of the most prestigious in the area, and Jakubcin joined a long list of past winners who each worked to make Alpena a better place for everyone.

According to a press release from the chamber, Jakubcin was awarded the 2024 Sunrise Side Best Photographer, the 2023 Sunrise Side Sale of the Year, he was 2024 Salvation Army Red Kettle Chairperson, the 2018 Chevy Mark of Excellence Recipient, and he received the 2019 Feel Better, Live Better Award. He has also won numerous awards for his videos and pictures.

Jakubcin has served on a number of boards and committees, has been a coach, a former chamber ambassador, and has logged many volunteer hours.

Jakubcin has also been a big help to The News.

Over the years, Jakubcin has attended several events, sharing his photos with The News, including Alpena High School team photos for various sports teams. He’s helped put together various projects and has been an overall positive and reliable asset.

We at The News want to congratulate Steve Jakubcin for all his accomplishments.

We hope others follow in the footsteps of Jakubcin and other Outstanding Citizen of the Year winners and work to make Northeast Michigan a better place for themselves, their neighbors, and visitors alike.


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