
Mi Road Ahead Plan a good idea

In a press release Monday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer introduced the Mi Road Ahead Plan to “fix the damn roads.”

The $3 billion plan includes funds to help local communities fix local roads, boost transit, improve road safety, and reduce the cost of vehicle repairs for Michigan drivers. Whitmer hopes the comprehensive, sustainable, long-term plan will fix roads for generations to come.

Data shows a majority of Michiganders think roads should get more funding, especially since they are essential to our everyday lives.

We think this plan is a solid investment and hope to see it go into effect to improve the roads across the entire state. We know how vital it is to have roads in good condition to get to and from wherever we need to be safely and efficiently, especially in local communities as residents use those roads daily to get to work on time, get kids to school safely, and help businesses thrive.

That’s why we’re glad to see that this initiative largely includes funding local communities, and we hope Northeast Michigan benefits from this plan — not just the big cities or interstate highways.

Key elements of the plan include the following:

∫ Ensuring every dollar at the pump will fix roads. The Mi Road Ahead Plan will ensure every dollar drivers pay at the pump goes toward fixing roads, bettering transportation infrastructure, and building better transportation.

∫ Require corporations to pay their fair share. Whitmer’s plan will ask massive corporations and Big Tech industries led by the nation’s wealthiest individuals, to pay their fair share to do business in Michigan and use Michigan roadways.

∫ Cutting red tape and finding efficiencies and savings. By cutting costs, the governor’s plan will inject $500 million of additional funding into road and bridge repairs.

∫ Close marijuana loophole. The Mi Road Ahead Plan will close a loophole that exempted the marijuana industry from wholesale tax, which is applied to similar smoking products.

∫ Boost and build transit across Michigan. The plan will build on the progress made with $250 million to invest in every local bus service and build new transit projects across the state.

For the funding to go into effect, it would need to be approved by the state House and Senate before heading to Whitmer’s desk.

We hope to see the Mi Road Ahead plan thrive and improve the lives of all Michiganders. Seeing that Michigan is home to the Motor City, it seems only fitting that we have high-quality roads and safe ways of transportation.


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