
Reaffirming Head Start integrity

A Thursday editorial in The News written by the Wall Street Journal, “Programs at Head Start negligent, mismanaged,” overlooks the important distinction between interim-managed programs and longstanding providers like the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency (NEMCSA).

Interim management is a rare emergency measure triggered by serious issues like health and safety concerns or fiscal mismanagement. It aims to stabilize services and minimize disruptions for children and families. Once re-established, the grant is transitioned to a permanent community-based organization.

That rare intervention does not reflect the success of stable, well-established programs like NEMCSA.

For more than 55 years, NEMCSA has provided high-quality early education, health services, and family support to thousands of children in Northeast Michigan. This past year alone, 799 children transitioned to kindergarten healthier, better prepared, and more confident because of Head Start. Nearly 100% received essential medical screenings, immunizations, and developmental support, ensuring they were ready to learn. Families also benefited, with more than 1,300 receiving critical assistance for housing, employment, and other basic needs.

In rural areas, Head Start is more than a preschool — it is a lifeline for families, a hub of resources, and a catalyst for success. NEMCSA operates with a 4% administrative rate, meaning the vast majority of funding goes directly to serving children and families. Our commitment to quality and accountability is unwavering.

Over the past 60 years, Head Start has served more than 37 million children, many of whom have faced significant barriers to success.

Decades of research and countless personal stories highlight how the program has empowered families, improved school readiness, and strengthened entire communities — often operating on limited resources.

Key impacts of Head Start include:

∫ Educational gains: Longitudinal studies show that Head Start alumni are more likely to graduate from high school, attend college, and achieve higher earnings compared to peers who did not participate in the program.

∫ Health outcomes: Head Start plays a crucial role in early screenings for vision, hearing, and developmental delays, identifying and addressing health concerns that, if left untreated, could hinder a child’s growth, learning, and long-term success.

∫ Parental engagement: The program fosters strong family involvement, encouraging parents to take an active role in their child’s education. Through program governance, parents gain valuable experience in policymaking and budget management, skills that extend beyond the classroom and into their communities.

However, the full impact Head Start programs have in local communities cannot be measured.

Helping our youngest community members be active and engaged learners is some of the most important work NEMCSA does. Setting students off on the right foot as they begin their educational journey is so important, as it provides them with the tools to become successful adults and community members.

Since 1965, Head Start has been a pillar of early childhood education in the United States, providing comprehensive support to low-income children and families. More than just academic preparation, Head Start offers a holistic model of services unmatched by any other program. By addressing the many factors that influence a child’s success, it lays a solid foundation for lifelong learning and development.

Head Start works. It changes lives. And, in Northeast Michigan, NEMCSA will continue delivering the highest standards of education and care to our youngest learners, ensuring a brighter future for them and our communities.

Lisa Bolen is the executive director of the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency, driving a team of nearly 750 dedicated employees and managing a dynamic, $70 million budget to uplift rural Michigan communities. A fierce advocate for Northeast Michigan, she is a bold leader in local government, education, and regional initiatives, relentlessly championing community development and transformative services.


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