
Retirement what you make of it

February is the month, it seems, that we Americans like to take an accounting of our lives.

Of course, I’m not really sure what to make of that observation, or to read too much into that at all, since we also are the same folks who put our hopes for an early spring in the hands of a groundhog trying hard not to see its shadow every Feb. 2.

If you are a person who likes order in their life, however, then February is the month for you. First, there is the State of the Union address, soon to be followed by the State of the State. Not to be overlooked, many cities also hold a State of the City report.

I am a person who does like order and routines. So if I was going to give you a report on the state of my life right now, “busy” might be as good an adjective as any to describe it.

Mind you it’s not exceedingly busy. For instance, most weeks I strike a good balance I think, but still commitments, obligations, and trying to balance time between the granddaughters keeps me maintaining two calendars in my life — one of their activities and one of mine. And I’m okay with that. In fact, I rather like life that way.

A busy life really isn’t all that unusual when you are young and raising a family, but I have been surprised that in retirement I have as active a calendar as I do.

Many of the things I could have said “no” to and freed up time, if I felt it was necessary. Other things that make the calendar are fun things that are there not so much as a commitment, but rather that I don’t forget to attend something.

Friends have asked if there is a “slow” time with the grandkids’ schedules but I have learned that really there is not. Here in Ohio, basketball leads into indoor soccer, which leads into outdoor soccer, which leads into sports camps, which leads into school team soccer, which leads into school team basketball. A very similar schedule mirrors the grandkids in Indiana, changed only by the level of sports participation they are doing in any year.

And, there are many times when one sport or activity overlaps with a second. It is not unusual for granddaughters to leave, say basketball practice, and a half hour later be starting soccer practice.

Mix in cheer activities, dance competitions and shows, gymnastics and drama events, and well, you get the picture.

The other day my wife lovingly chided me after walking by the couch a couple of times in a half hour and I had not moved.

“Do you have nothing to do?” she asked.

I smiled and said that as a matter of fact I didn’t right then, and I was savoring those moments for what they afforded me — a little peace and quiet.

I have learned that retirement is what you make of it.

I suppose I could sit around the house and watch television all day, but that isn’t my style. Instead, I try to strike a balance between household chores, exercise, writing, and volunteer work for my church.

Mix in grandkid activities both here and in Indiana and well, like I said above, my plate is pretty full each day.

I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Bill Speer retired in 2021 as the publisher and editor of The News. He can be reached at bspeer@thealpenanews.com.


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