
ROAR room shows potential

At Alcona Elementary School, students and staff are experimenting with an innovative method of behavior management known as the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support ROAR room, News staff writer Reagan Voetberg reported on Tuesday.

The ROAR room, which stands for respectful, on-task, always safe, and responsible, has become a tool students can use for various reasons. Whether it’s students with Individualized Education Programs who have different sensory or social-emotional needs or other students who just need to get out of the classroom for a bit, many have found the room a helpful resource.

The room is filled with supplies for students to use to help release energy, ease restlessness, or just talk to Paraprofessional Hailey Neilsen who often occupies the desk in the room.

We think the ROAR room has a lot of potential and we’re glad to know that it seems to be working already. School Social Worker Travis Boik said that since the ROAR room has been in use, the number of suspensions and discipline referrals has decreased.

The ROAR room acts as a place for students to reflect on their behavior, not just a place to run around. They also teach students coping skills to help them handle future negative emotions, Voetberg reported.

It’s important that the school maintains that idea so kids don’t view it as a play area but rather as somewhere they can go to de-stress before heading back to class.

Other schools should consider the effect that the ROAR room has, maybe even coming up with a room of their own to help students who would benefit from all it has to offer so that they can return to class refreshed, in a better mood, and ready to learn.


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