
Response to Mr. Bock and like-minded citizens

Did you actually attend a library or commissioners meeting?

Save the Alpena Children (STAC) has,so let me correct your errors.

We have never asked the books to be banned, locked up, or taken off all shelves. We have asked for answers. What is the criteria to place a book in the adult section if it’s not graphic sex? No answer. What is the opposition to placing such books in the adult section? Answer, “Because they might not find it there.” The library states parents are responsible for their children. So we asked for TOOLS to help us.

1. Place these books in the adult section where a parent might reasonably expect to preview it first.

2. Label book covers with “graphic sex warning.”

3. Place signs around the library warning parents that graphic sex books may be found in any collection or area.

To all three a solid NO!

Ask yourself why the librarian would not be willing to give any TOOLS to guide their children. By that action, it is actually the librarian who is violating our children’s First Amendment rights. No more browsing unless you actually believe 5- to 15-year-olds need to be exposed to graphic sex.

STAC does not!

The community is responding to the intolerance of our library board and administration. Join us at www.NMLCE.com and read the real truth of this exposure.




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