
Gordon Snow should withdraw his candidacy

For the sake of our kids …

In the editorial section of this past Saturday’s Alpena News, Justin Hinkley, publisher and editor, ran a column, “The story behind the story on Snow’s email.”

To recite a couple quotes from that story:

“We had a statement from a Michigan Press Association attorney who reviewed the email calling the missive ‘problematic’ and saying it might violate the Michigan Campaign Finance Act’s prohibition of using public resources for campaigns because Snow had communicated with each of the principals through their school email accounts.

“At the very least, it seemed unusual for a sitting school board trustee (the school board has hire/fire powers over the school district superintendent, making the school board the boss of every other school employee’s boss) to ask school employees to essentially act on behalf of his campaign.”

Rather than run on your incumbent status and past record, 16 years on the school board (numerous terms as president), and 34 years in public education to support your case for reelection, you sought this questionable and possibly illegal action because you, more than any other board member, past or present, is responsible for dismal test scores of our students.

Regardless of the legalities of your actions, Mr. Snow, it does, however, appear that you were seeking an unfair advantage.

One role of a parent is to teach their kids the difference between right and wrong, and that cheating is not right. I, along with a growing number of others, believe you should do the morally right thing, both for our students and the other candidates running for school board positions, and that is to withdraw your candidacy.




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