
Onaway school board race sees interference

Americans should be concerned when they hear that foreign governments, China, Russia, and Iran are attempting to influence or interfere with our national election. In other words, influence from outside the sovereignty of the United States of America.

QUESTION: How is the above situation different from a local school board election, namely Onaway Area Community Schools, when other counties, Antrim and Montmorency, contribute funds to get partisan candidates elected to the Onaway’s Board of Education?

I find both instances a violation by infringing on our rights to vote without interference from outside interests!

In addition, our household received a postcard with partisan candidates named and pictured. In the fine print, the cost of those postcards was paid for by Save Our Guns, PAC/lobby (Hillman, Montmorency County)!

QUESTION: When have guns become synonymous with boards of education? The partisan candidates listed and pictured received the funding for that postcard, to influence us for their election!

Nov. 5 is not far off. Vote informed!




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