
County officials insult voters on tax proposal

According to a recent Alpena News article, our county clerk and county administrator are dismayed that some voters chose to not cast votes on certain areas of their ballot.

This is attributed to incompetence rather than a choice to indicate no preference.

It is a much “safer bet” that the voters knew what they were doing, exactly.

Whenever I hear an administrator state that “the voters need to be educated,” I chuckle. In fact, it is the administrators and politicians who need to be educated, and we do so through the ballot box.

Pity that an override of a law intended to protect the taxpayers against government windfall due to inflation didn’t pass. That this was pitched as a referendum on funding for our local sheriff was not lost on the voters. We saw through it.

Insulting the voters by insinuating that we can’t read is not likely to help pass future measures.




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