
County should adopt policy to protect our kids

In response to the letter to the editor from Diane O’Connor on Saturday, Oct. 19, Ms. O’Connor makes the likely inaccurate assumption that the people in favor of having only certain library books moved from the children’s section to adult section are the minority not the majority of our community.

The real issue is the morality of our community.

I question whether Ms. O’Connor has taken the time to look at the content contained within the books in question, or she may speak differently.

I have done so as to more than one of those publications, and I can tell you that in one of those I had to stop reading because the material was so distasteful.

Ms O’Connor quotes the Michigan Library Association, which has inappropriate policies that they would impose on our community. Clearly, the Michigan Library Association can no longer be trusted to protect our children.

Therefore, having dealt with child abuse and neglect for 11 years as an Alpena County prosecutor, I strongly suggest that the county board adopt its own policy that will protect the children in this county and that will apply to all county-appointed boards, commissions, etc.

We have a representative government. The county board is our representative for the protection of our community and our children.


Alpena Township


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