
Donald Trump is making the US an autocracy

Pay attention to what we are witnessing: Donald J. Trump and the GOP (Big Money) have won the presidential election and has begun to install an autocratic regime in “the United States of America.”

Here’s what is happening:

“The United States of America’s” Supreme Court has placed the president of “the United States of America” above the law and “the United States of America’s Constitution” in all of his or her governmental proceedings while in office.

Through a fair and full national election, Donald J. Trump is being sworn in as the president of “The United States of America” on Jan. 20.

President Donald J. Trump on Jan. 21 being above the law in all of his governmental proceedings, then installs an entirely new regime directed under his total control with no legal restrictions at all departmental levels of “the United States of America’s” federal government. Presidential term limits are recklessly abandoned and Donald J. Trump stands to remain in power.

Welcome to our world of autocracy. Governmental elections become unnecessary as we have a full and all powerful ruling class made up entirely of oligarchs that are loyal only to President Donald J. Trump and to themselves.

As President Donald J Trump tells us, “You will never need to vote again!” He is one of the most dangerous and ungodly persons in the world and he is ever so proud of it.

A nation divided, “the United States of America” now exists in name only. We are being taken over and where are our military generals, sworn to protect “the United States of America’s Constitution?”


Presque Isle


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