
News punched readers in nose this election

This letter should not have to be written. Sadly, here I am writing it.

Mr. Hinkley, I wonder how The Alpena News would have reported a Kamala Harris win instead of a Donald Trump win? I’ll bet it would have been smeared all over the front page. Instead, Trump did in fact win. Let’s delve into the reporting or lack of right here.

Alpena News on Nov. 6, page two, “Trump wins N.C., holding off Harris challenge.” Nov. 7, page two, “Trump receives congrats.” Meanwhile, on the front page, above the fold, “Ollie’s Grand Opening.” I guess you call Ollie’s a hot topic and the election of the most powerful man in the world page two fodder.

This is what is known as slanted journalism.

Remember there are a whole lot of Republican and independent people who subscribe to your paper. You just punched them all in the nose with your lack of reporting.

I told Bill Speer back in 2019 that if you continue to forget about your readers’ feelings and only print left-leaning positions, The Alpena News would die, with no one caring.

I would think people with left-leaning ideology would glean some nuggets of wisdom from this thrashing that they just received from the right. Obviously, you have not.

The Dems view their electorate as useful idiots. Well, those good people finally got enough from their Democratic leaders. It is morning in America, and news outlets like The Alpena News had better learn to do some fair reporting for a change or be ready to bar the doors.

Why don’t you put some of the things that you wrote about in your op-ed of the Nov. 16 edition into practice? It sounded like you had some good ideas. Maybe there is hope springing eternal for your paper.




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