
We need to march together as Americans

We as a people have a Constitution that has kept our country together. Many lives fought and died. They all had one goal: Protect our people, our country, and our constitution. We were, “All for one and one for all!” We as a whole were not a divided country. We did not have as many divisions as we have now. This division has been enhanced by the media and social media — something that was not around to influence our citizens in the past. Our cemeteries that are full of our soldiers who fought and died for our country were Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Catholics, Baptists, Black, White, Asian, Native American, and so many other representatives of our nation. They did not make their division so evident as we do now. They were Americans! We are Americans! We should look at our history and learn from the strong and the brave who are the true Americans who have not been influenced by the divisions that so affect us today. We as a country have been forced to take a side on all matters. This should not be happening. Policies are the exception. But we need to learn to compromise to help our country to march on as Americans have always done. Our country needs a citizenship that is compassionate and understanding of other’s circumstances that make it difficult to live in the richest country in the world. Each person is important! The soldiers of the past fought for all of our citizens. We need to get back to this simple act. We need to protect and fight for all our citizens. We are a member of the human race — we really want the same thing — let’s work toward this together.




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