A curious appointment to the library board
Last week, the Alpena County Board of Commissioners had the opportunity to maintain an Alpena County library board that has a unified vision and intent to steer the library in accordance with the policies and laws that regulate library functioning.
Instead, and in violation of the Open Meetings Act and transparency in government, behind closed doors commissioners unanimously voted to seat two new library board members prior to public input. One of these new members not only openly harassed library staff and board members over a two-year period, but actively pursued an agenda to shut down our library by promoting a “no” vote on the recent library millage. Without permission, this person took pictures of at least one library staff and parked outside the library with “Library Grooming” signs affixed to the vehicle. The level of harassment was so contemptuous, volunteers began escorting library staff to their cars at the end of the work day.
The commissioners explained this choice by claiming the library board needed more diversity. Placing an individual on the library board who worked to close the library is akin to appointing an arsonist to the Fire Department.
Even more puzzling, the commissioners had the opportunity to return Lauren Mantlo to the library board. Lauren holds a master’s degree in Library Science and is the current librarian at Alpena Community College. Her level of understanding of library policies, practices, and needs is unparalleled and makes her uniquely qualified for the position.
Clearly, the commissioners have formed an allegiance with a minority group who have an agenda to dismantle our library. These actions have resulted in tremendous costs to Alpena County taxpayers and have threatened continued operation of library services. Aligning with the agenda of book-banners has proven to be nothing but a losing proposition.