
A letter to new Alpena school board members

As two new members prepare to attend their first meeting of the Board of Education of Alpena Public Schools on Monday, they are reminded that the principal responsibility of the district is to prepare students for their future, no matter where they live and regardless of what they do after they leave Alpena High School — join the workforce or the military, begin an internship, or enroll in a trade school, college or university.

Board members represent the entire Alpena community, not a specific set of friends, neighbors, voters, parents, political viewpoints, or student groups or activities.

Every decision must reflect the best interests of students served by the district, including curriculum offerings, special education services, extracurricular activities (academic, athletic, musical, volunteering, robotics, Knowledge Bowl, etc.) and high school offerings such as advanced placement courses, dual enrollment with Alpena Community College, the Alpena Early College program, Career and Technical Education courses, hiring faculty and staff, and maintaining facilities.

Among the board’s responsibilities are to hire and evaluate the superintendent, to establish and update policies which spell out how the district will operate, to approve and adopt the budget, and to consistently serve as advocates for students. Once a decision is made, members must support that decision, even if they do not personally agree with it.

School board policy 0144.2 clearly states that “board members will strive to improve public education,” meaning all members of the school-age public: pre-kindergarten to college-age, male/female, athletes, musicians, Christians/Muslims/Jews, students of color, LGBTQ youth, English language learners, students with different physical/mental/developmental abilities, the homeless, students from families struggling due to financial, health, or other issues.

Board members are encouraged to visit buildings and classrooms, especially if they do not have children attending Alpena schools. They must also attend school events: concerts, programs, debates, ceremonies, assemblies, and more.




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