
Enbridge protects Great Lakes, meets needs

To the editor,

For all of us who call northern Michigan — and the Straits area specifically — home, the care and protection of our Great Lakes and waterways is more than just a priority. It’s personal.

The waterfront is our back yard and a resource we safeguard for the world.

As someone who grew up here and is now raising my own family here, I know firsthand the value of this unique region. It’s home. And, as a St. Ignace-based employee of Enbridge, I’m proud to represent a company that understands this special place and is committed to working with our community to protect the environment and preserve our way of life.

Every day, energy keeps our families safe and secure, our homes warm, and our economy moving. The Great Lakes Tunnel Project offers a balanced solution: safeguarding environmental health while ensuring energy security. Locating a replacement segment of Line 5 within a tunnel beneath the Straits will eliminate risks of anchor strikes and virtually eliminate a potential release into the Straits. It’s a win-win for environmental stewardship and energy reliability.

Enbridge takes its responsibilities seriously — not just to maintain safe and reliable infrastructure, but also to protect the environment and the communities we serve. Until the tunnel is completed, we are using state-of-the-art marine safety technologies to prevent incidents in the Straits.

Our Enbridge Straits Maritime Operations Center in Mackinaw City operates 24/7, staffed by experienced personnel, including former Coast Guard members. ESMOC coordinates with the Coast Guard and first responders across the region, enhancing marine traffic safety and emergency preparedness from Alpena to Traverse City.

The Great Lakes Tunnel is more than an infrastructure project. It’s an investment in northern Michigan’s future. It will help secure our region as a great place to live, work, raise families, grow businesses, and welcome visitors for generations to come.



Enbridge community engagement advisor, Michigan resident


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