
American irony not serving the country

Irony — incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.

Donald J. Trump — a self-confessed liar and cheat and convicted federal felon. A walking and talking con-man and President of the United States of America. Elected by an electoral and low-income people (people desperately suffering from the worst effects of inflation), evangelical people (people who claim a religion that believes in Jesus Christ), and the GOP (people of great wealth and power).

President Donald J. Trump is pledged to recognize and satisfy all of each of these three group’s diametrically opposed interests: all of the interests of the suffering and the needy, all of the interests of those who believe in the covenants of the Lord Jesus Christ, and all of the interests of the GOP even as they continue to act in an uninformed, impersonal, and ineffective manner.

Donald J. Trump found his “mark” in the GOP and he has it made. He and his family live above the law with no restrictions and operate on their own personal behalf now worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

How does any of this serve you and your family? And your country?


Presque Isle


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