
Community fortunate to have a library like ours

Dear Editor,

A couple of days ago I had the privilege of viewing a film (for free!) at the Alpena County Library. It was titled “Free for All: The Public Library” and it was an interesting documentary on the history of public libraries in the United States.

I learned that many of the early librarians were women — before women could even vote — and that they were committed to free information, serving everyone in the community, and encouraging everyone to read what they wanted to read.

I feel fortunate to live in a community that has a library like ours. I think most of the community would agree, given that the renewal millage for the library passed so readily. There is something essential about encouraging people to read and to read what they choose to read. It’s a foundation of our democracy. For those of you who missed the movie, it will be shown on PBS at the end of April.



Alpena County


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